November was busy with special events and important learning.
In Sciences, we have been exploring the ways simple machines transform energy, with a few days of experiments concluding our learning (next up the project!). We also participated in a “Santa’s Workshop” activity, learning about how various products interact with water and how vibrations can transform mechanical energy into acoustic energy.
We discussed peace and human rights, and participated in a second French Café with the other grade 4/5s. We also attended a Waste workshop and learned about the ways and reasons why we sort waste; students summarized their learning on the topic in an English essay — learning how to use Introductions, Developments and Conclusions to convey a message.
Students also wrote holiday cards for seniors in the community, using Roy Henry Vickers as artistic inspiration again.
In Math, grade 4s have been working on geometry. Perimeter and area have been difficult for us to grasp, but we are slowly growing our comprehension.
Finally, as I write this, we are preparing for the winter concert rehearsal week and have been practicing Ode à la joie at every opportunity.