Over the last few weeks division 21 has re-centred itself and come back to [the] earth. We persevered through some difficult work in Math (e.g. prime factorization and division); the high energy/anticipation of Carnival and Spring Break; and some conversations about our relationships and our emotions.
This week students have re-focused on a few new projects, exploring various topics: Diversity of BC First Nations (3s); Impacts of Contact between two Cultures (4s); Energy Exploitation (4s); and Creativity in Mathematics (3s & 4s). Furthermore, students planted potatoes, which will begin sprouting over the break. The potatoes, among other forms of life, will be the focus of our next science unit.
The agenda for the break:
•Read ~30 minutes in french per day
•Look over and return Red Portfolio
•Return overdue library books.
•Change for Ichinga — Fundraiser