Together we are exploring the basic types of regularities we can find in numbers (counting by 2, 5, 10 and 25), while exploring the concepts of ascending and descending series and the strategies on how to infer the gaps in a series of numbers. We are also discussing what distinguishes a number, from a digit, from a “numéro” (the non-translatable “numéro” is a type of number that you would not usually do math with: e.g. we don’t add phone numbers together to give us a new phone number).
Our class also performed 5 out of 6 Core Competency challenges (Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Personal Awareness and Responsibility, Personal and Cultural Identity, and Social Responsibility) and self-assessed our performances in order to better set our goals for this semester.
Students also worked on a mask art project that integrated some key philosophies for our class.
Over the next few weeks we will focus in on place values, with emphasis on the place value regularities that can be observed, manipulated and repurposed for use in basic operations and other math concepts. Division 15 will also be finalizing our self-assessments (Communication) and goal-setting regarding the six curricular Core Competencies, while writing CV applications to our dream jobs using the language we learned during the self-assessments. We will also be going to the track on Monday to do a physically distanced Terry Fox Run.